San Juan de los Lagos (Mexico), 17-18 August 2024

Missionary disciples of Jesus in today’s reality

Latin America Regional meeting 2 of CAMEX and Caribe + USA+ Canada

Last update: 18 September 2024


Second session of the training project realised by IFCA America in Latin America thanks to the contribution of PCAL.

Leaders from the CAMEX and CARIBBEAN + USA and CANADA region have been invited to the meeting, which will be held at the “San Juan Pablo II” Pastoral House, located in the Diocese of San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco, Mexico, on 17 and 18 August this year.

A moment of missionary and synodal formation for lay leaders, young people and adults, who desire to grow each day in their baptismal vocation and in their co-responsibility in ecclesial and social life in order to announce the Good News and promote structures of the good in a wounded and fragmented world.

To assume co-responsibility in the Church and in society as lay people and to propose and strengthen leadership as a service from Catholic Action.

MOTTO: “We must love until we achieve unity. We are all Catholic Action“.

Short report

In the city of San Juan de Los Lagos, Jalisco, Mexico, under the motto: ‘We must love until we achieve unity. We are all Catholic Action’, the national meeting of leaders of Mexican Catholic Action (ACM) and the regional meeting with representatives of IFCA from the United States and Guatemala took place on 17 and 18 August at the St. John Paul II Pastoral House, The aim of the meeting was to make the participants aware of the need to strengthen the service of CA and the necessity of co-responsibility in the Church and in society. The meeting brought together parish, diocesan and national leaders in an atmosphere of dialogue and listening, all with the same spirit of finding pastoral strategies that promote evangelisation and the formation of responsible persons of the organisation.
The national responsible persons of the Organisations and Movements were present, who put themselves at the service of the meeting; Ma. Del Consuelo Flores Arreozola President, Ma. Elena García Pérez Vice-President, Imelda Escobar Pioquinto of UFCM, Jesús Hernández Ochoa of UCM, Yesenia Fernández Atenco JFCM and ACJM, Gabriela Castillo Martínez, Ma. Luisa Álvarez Ledesma, María Becerril de Arratia MORAC, Rogelio Gaytán Morales MEP, Víctor Hugo Labra Carreto OMAC, Ma. Rebeca Vilchis Responsible for Study and Formation.

Sharing also the brothers of the International Forum of CA – IFCA, with representatives from USA and Guatemala.

During 2 days of intense work, we reflected on our mission in the Church and in society, following Jesus, assuming his characteristics and qualities in our daily lives in order to manifest with our testimony the joy of the Gospel. Inspirational leaders are those who not only achieve results, but also have the ability to influence positively by their example to promote people and their communities, to work together for the good of all, each contributing their talents.
Eucharistic Celebration, source and summit of the life of Christians, disciples of Jesus, as an expression of faith and celebration presided over by Fr. Wilberth Enrique Aké Méndez, Assistant of the National Board and concelebrated by ecclesiastical assistants.
The second day consisted of a rally, the aim of which was to provide training on the structure of the organisation in the diocese in a more free and amusing way. Then, in the final presentation, Monsignor Víctor Alejandro Aguilar Ledezma, Bishop of Celaya and President of the Dimension of the Laity (DELAI), addressed the members of the CA in its different structures, exhorting us to continue working, because in today’s society, leadership is a key factor in creating a better world. People who are willing to make a positive change in the world must strive to be responsible persons.
The 200 participants entrusted their mission, work and projects to Our Mother of Guadalupe, patroness of America. Jesus Christ be praised!

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