About us

IFCA is a place where world CA associations meet and together experience a beneficial interaction between the universal and the local Church.

What we do

Last update: 26 September 2024


The International Forum of Catholic Action (IFCA) was founded in Rome in 1987, as a result of a meeting of a number of Catholic Action associations, during the Bishops’ Synod on the lay faithful.

The support given by Blessed Cardinal Eduardo Pironio, then president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, and the publication of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Christifideles Laici, which makes an explicit reference to Catholic Action (CFL 31), favoured the constitution of this Forum. The key-point of reference is the document Apostolicam Actuositatem (AA 20).

The founder countries are: Argentina, Austria, Italy, Malta, Mexico, Paraguay, Romania (Greek rite) and Spain.

The Pontifical Council for the Laity (now Dicastery of Laity Family and Life) recognised IFCA in 1995 and gave its definite approval to its Normative Document in 2000.

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How we are organised

The organs of the Forum are: the Assembly; the General Secretariat.

The Assembly is the Forum’s main organ. Its members are all the CA Associations and the Federations of CA Movements accepted in the Forum. The Assembly meets in ordinary session every four years and in extraordinary session whenever called by the General Secretary and  after  a resolution passed by the vote of the majority of its members.

The General Secretariat is made up of: five lay people coming from five Forum Member Countries. These are elected every four years and which reflect CA’s diversity. These five members nominate the Secretariat Coordinator from among themselves. The Secretariat Coordinator chooses the Secretary and the Administrator from outside the members of the Secretariat. These become members of the General Secretariat but have no right to vote.The five elected members, the Secretary and the Administrator make up the General Secretariat. The Ecclesiastical Assistant is part of the Secretariat.
(from IFCA’s Normative Document)

How we work


for continents and regions

Europe-Mediterranean Region
Holy Land and the Middle East

for age-groups


for priest assistants

in favour of the environment, against human trafficking, for justice and peace

RELATIONS with Catholic international bodies



1987 First meeting of the founding countries
(Argentina, Austria, Italy, Malta, Mexico, Paraguay,Romania, Spain) during the Bishops’ Synod on
“The vocation and mission of the laity in the Church and in society”.

Constitutional Assembly
1991 Rome

Ordinary Assemblies

1994 Vienna – Austria

1997 Buenos Aires – Argentina

2000 Rome – Italy

2004 Rome/Loreto – Italy

2008 Rome – Italy

2012 Iasi – Romania

2017 Rome – Italy

2022 Rome – Italy

International Congresses/Conferences

2004 Rome-Loreto

2017 Vatican City

2022 Rome

Who we collaborate with


in favour of the environment

against human trafficking

for justice and peace

with Catholic international bodies


the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life

Continental Church Bodies

Normative Document
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