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Europe Mediterranean

Last update: 16 April 2024


The continental level is fundamental to the life of IFCA, to be promoted and supported with the contribution of the member countries among which one or two countries take responsibility for coordination in contact with the countries and the international secretariat.
Continental coordination promotes coordination by age.

Our Continent is the historical birthplace of Catholic Action that started officially in Italy in 1867. Nowadays Catholic Action in the Europe-Mediterranean region is characterised by different languages and rites. There are national associations with a long history but also others that have started very recently. In the midst of these differences the national associations of Catholic Action find common ground on the focus on formation and the opportunity to meet particularly provided by programme funds which throughout the recent years have helped many young members of Catholic Action to meet up and discover the international dimension in IFCA.

The continental level of the Church is the reference point for the IFCA at continental level.

Europe Mediterranean
The member countries are 9 , the observer countries are 12.
Among the observer countries is the Holy Land, which is at the heart of all the CA, which is why we dedicate a space that everyone can reach on the homepage.

Member countries are countries where Catholic Action is present with the four well-known characteristics described in Apostolicam Actuositatem 20, under the name Catholic Action or under another name, with an organisation that corresponds to the history and reality of each national association.
The request to participate in IFCA as a member country is submitted by the Bishops’ Conference of the country or by the Bishop of the diocese in which the CA wishes to actively participate, representing its country.

Observer countries are countries with contacts established mainly through participation in continental or international initiatives.
For some countries, contacts have been active for some time, for others they are in their infancy, and for others they are to be taken up again.
Thanks to the continental work, a fundamental level for IFCA life, we are checking the situation of each observer country in order to include up-to-date news.

Continental bodies of the Church (PDF)

Documents about Europe-Holy Land (PDF)

Name of collaborators

Responsibles for continental coordination


Giuseppe Notarstefano
, National President AC Italy
Marija Cachia, National President AC Malta

Continental activities

Continental activities

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