Congresses and conferences

En salida “outgoing”, with a missionary spirit, assuming all the Church’s missionary aspect so that the Gospel may transform reality (CL31, EG 34-39).

What we do

Last update: 20 March 2024


For our times we propose a Catholic Action  as an effective instrument for the Church’s mission, People of God, which forms mature lay people, missionary disciples, corresponsible in the Church, mystery of communion and in society.

IFCA  periodically organises congresses or conferences on Catholic Action for all

  • to propose a lively, attractive, relevant Catholic Action  for our times.
  • to show that Catholic Action can function in all parts of the world.
  • to show from experience the itinerary which Catholic Action proposes to individuals and groups to live their own faith with a missionary spirit.
  • to motivate people of all ages to make the associative option as a stimulus for participation and responsibility.
  • to enrich with dialogue and exchange the life of CA groups in all realities.


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