The Assembly is the Forum’s main organ. Its members are all the CA Associations and the Federations of CA Movements accepted in the Forum. The Assembly meets in ordinary session every four years and in extraordinary session whenever called by the General Secretary and after a resolution passed by the vote of the majority of its members.
The Assembly meets in ordinary or extraordinary session to examine the Agenda for which it was summoned. The agenda should be sent through email or any other means at least three months before the meeting. The Assemblies are validly constituted in the first call when the majority of its members who have a right to be present are physically present or have sent a proxy, in the second call with any number. Every CA Association or Federation of CA Movements, present at the Forum, has only one vote and can have only one proxy.
The Assembly validly reunited decides with the absolute majority of those present, including the proxies, the resolutions about the activities of the Forum and of the General Secretariat and chooses the five Countries who eventually nominate the five lay people who are to sit on the General Secretariat. The Assembly lays down the criteria which determine the annual fee depending on the Forum’s situation.
It can also approve documents or declarations and make recommendations, which do not bind its members, after expressed formulation.
The Assembly may, with the approval of the absolute majority of the members present including the proxies, amend the Normative Act. These amendments should then be submitted for the approval of the Dicastery for Laity Family and Life.
(from Normative Document)
IFCA Secretariat is located at the headquarters of the National Presidency of Azione Cattolica Italiana.
Via della Conciliazione
00193 Roma
tel. 0039 06 661321